UBANX -Designed for everyone, powered by you - Langkat Capt

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Senin, 21 Mei 2018

UBANX -Designed for everyone, powered by you

Physical locations for crypto

Ubanx will be the easiest way for everyone to access cryptocurrency and blockchain financial services, providing a digital platform and physical spaces to meet, learn and connect.

What is Ubanx?

Ubanx will be the first Blockchain retail place. We will connect the mainstream to the best blockchain financial products in the industry, ensuring friendly, secure, frictionless and compliant experiences.

Community Members Benefits

Powering the Ubanx Community, BANX Tokens can be used as utility tokens to purchase or obtain access to a variety of Ubanx products, services and community benefits such as:

Discounted products and services 

Ubanx will work with its partners to agree a sliding scale of discount for community members that will be linked to the amount of BANX tokens held in their accounts. The more BANX Tokens held, the higher the discount available and this ratio will be revealed after the BANX Token Sale period closes. 

Community+ Services at Ubanx Spaces

Tokens can be spent to gain access to the Community+ services and facilities at Ubanx Spaces. These include meeting and auditorium spaces, coworking areas, catering services, help desk, trading desks and educational content from Ubanx Crypto School. Not all Community+ facilities and services will be available at all Ubanx Spaces.

Access to Community Discussion Workgroups

Community Members who hold a specified amount of BANX Tokens in their Ubanx Accounts will be able take part in the Workgroups. Ubanx will determine the amount of BANX Tokens necessary to participate in each Workgroup. BANX Tokens do not carry any voting rights.

 Ubanx Premium Benefits

Certain Ubanx products, services, and benefits will only be available to Community Members who hold a specified value of BANX Tokens. Benefits will include: unlimited access to Crypto School courses and seminars, access to Ubanx Premium exclusive coworking areas, Ubanx Concierge personalized assistance and reduced-cost or free access to certain Community+ services including access to auditorium and meeting rooms.

Access to Partner Benefits

BANX Tokens can be spent to obtain benefits from Ubanx’ partners, including PriorityPass() airport lounge access, payment cards, travel insurance and many more, provided by Ubanx in partnership with third parties. The list of benefits available, along with the cost in BANX, may be different from region to region depending on partner availability and policies.

Zone Workflow

The ERC20 ZONE Token will be a “a necessary condition” for prospective Ubanx Spaces operators. An additional set of obligations and rights will be published as part of the ZONE Rights MOU before the auction for each ZONE, which may include: Payment of system setup fees (payable in BANX Tokens only), along with an agreement, which will be compliant with IP licensing laws in each jurisdiction.

A ZONE token may be transferred privately to a new prospective Ubanx Spaces operator which, in turn, must adhere to the ZONE Rights MOU to apply to run a Space.

BANX Token Allocation

Teams & Advisors


  • Pablo Orlando Trackzuk - President & Chairman
  • Janes Cochesa - Chief Executive Officer
  • Gaston Cartier - Chief Operations Officer
  • M´aximo Cartier - Chief Product Officer
  • Nick Bayerque - EVP Strategic Partnerships
  • Mary Saracco - Investor Relations
  • Maximiliano Ca˜nellas - Chief Technology Officer 
  • Bernardo Corti - Chief Legal Officer
  • Alejandro Ahumada - Chief Creative Officer 
  • Pablo Yabo - Smart Contract Developer 
  • Sebastian Wain - Smart Contract Developer
  • Ezequiel Calvo - Front End Engineering Software Developer
  • Matias Calvo - Back End Engineering Software Developer
  • Maiki Nahara - Full Stack Engineering Software Developer
  • Nicolas Litvinoff - Head of Compliance
  • Joaquin Casano - Head of Architecture 
  • Nicole Bett - Head of Communications
  • Carlos Boido - Head of Marketing
  • Laura Orlando - Account Manager Advisor
  • Dominique Bett - UI/UX Designer


  • Steven Nerayoff - Senior Advisor
  • Jacob Farber - Senior Advisor
  • Jeff Pulver - Senior Advisor
  • Martin Orlando - Senior Advisor
  • Michael Sutherland - Senior Advisor
  • Stefano Angeli - Senior Advisor
  • Gaston Besanson Quant - Finance Advisor

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ETH Address : 0xb3428c5FC2b40674F5BE24DD2fE72b5D5B7996C1

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